
The Plan to Restore Constitutional Order

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[ A common misconception of the United States is that we live in a democracy. We do not. This is not a lead in to some conspiracy theory, but mere fact. The United States is a republic. he United States is a republic, or at the very least, a variaton of democracy called a represenative democracy. But no matter how grey the argument may be, both of the governments hold many freedoms for the people. In theory. And it is because these freedoms have been violated that over a thousand American patriots in Illinois have demended a response.

On June 30, 2008, the people claimed and exercised their rights under the accountability clause of the first amendment of the United States of Amercia Constitution. These people will formally serve a "legal notice and demand for redress" upon President George Bush, the Attorney General and every member of the U.S. House of Represenatives and the U.S. Senate, demanding an official response from each one regarding seven "petitions for redress of grievences" which claim substancial violations of the Constitution of the United States of America.

A few of these petitions have been painted all over the media and news, and the petition for them is merely a late formality. Others, however, have acutally been keen on staying off the radar.

The first petition is for violations of war power. It is stated that the application of armed forces of the United States in hostilities in Iraq with done without a Congressional declaration of war, Congress being the only authority able to declare war against a foreign nation and the Constitution does not give Congress the ability to delegate that power to the president.

Another petition is a violation of tax clauses. This petition is regarding the unconsititutional origin, operaton and enforcement of the federal income tax system. There is no law stating that this tax must be paid nor is the tax apportioned.

Next is the petition of privacy clauses in regards to the U.S.A. Patriot Act. Its name, unbenownst to most people, is actually an acronym, standing for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism." The petition alleges that the act abuses Consitutional rights and abused shock and fear at the time of the vote.

Other clauses include the violation of money clauses through the Federal Reserve Bank, whereas Congress does not have the authority to delegate monetary policy over to such, and the violation of the second amendment.

But one that sticks out is the violation of Constitution Authority in the attempts to construct the "North American Union" ignoring the policy of the Constitution and its people. The president, when sworn in, gives an oath to uphold and protect the United States of America Constitution, and should the NAU come to place, that Constitution will be void, thus forming the NAU would be in violation of upholding the Constitution. This act regarding the NAU would merge the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. This act has also already been passed by the president.

We the People Foundation is working through '' to help people have their say in the politics that are going on without their consent. By visiting '' a full list and description of these Consitutional Grievences can be read and commented upon. These submitted Petitions for Redress demand a response within forty days, August 8, to admit or deny questions tied to each grievence.